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Jeremy TD - FAQ_English

by JeremyTD 2024. 3. 11.

Save System is fully working since 1.2B patch!

Q. Jeremy TD? or 2005TD? Which is correct? / Who is the original author?
A. As far as I know, 2005TD is a tower defense map produced in China around 2004-2005. It appears that Korean authors later patched and localized it (Credit: HK-Wing, NiceElf, Sangs7).
As 2005TD gained a cult following, several modified versions emerged, such as the ‘Awakening version’, ‘DK version’, ‘Hardcore version’, etc. Among them, I really liked 2005TD Special Expansion 2 and played it for a long time as a user. However, due to accumulated issues such as inaccurate skill descriptions, poor completion, low difficulty, incomplete localization, ally unit zone infiltration and attack trolling, desync errors, inability to adjust view, etc., I started a patch project based on this map and began distributing it for the first time in August 2021 under the name 2005TD Special III (2021). Since then, I have continued to work on bug/error discovery, balance patching, difficulty, save point grading, full localization, English version production, unit model changes, etc., leading to 2005TD Special III (2022) and the current Jeremy TD (subtitle: 2005TD Special IV).
Jeremy TD is a map that I started creating & patching purely to enjoy the old 2005TD more challenging and fun with my friends. It was not originally intended to be created and maintained for users. There is no benefit to me for creating the map. As I played on Battle.net, some users started to trickle in, and there are some who like it and some who find it difficult, but I plan to continue updating occasionally as my hobby activity, not necessarily for the fun and evaluation of users. If you have any difficulties or complaints while playing, just enjoy it as it is.

Please use the Bug Report post to report bug or error related content.

Q. The difficulty is too hard. Is it possible to clear?
A. One of the goals at the time of creating the 2005TD 2021 version was to make it difficult to clear, unlike the easy maps of various modified versions of 2005TD. However, I have confirmed in roughly over 1,000 balance tests, with a bit of exaggeration, that a perfect clear without missing enemy units is possible for all races based on the master difficulty.
Occasionally, there are requests such as ‘show me the play, tell me the techtree and way you build in order and etc..’, but I want to avoid the spread of standardized play and strategies because it loses the desire to create and patch maps that took a long time to make. Also, there are some people who make strange claims that the balance between races is not right, but it is a natural fact that the clear difficulty varies by race because it is not a map where races fight each other.
For those who find it too difficult, I recommend playing the old 2005TD maps. Old versions are too easy and there are plenty of strategies, so you quickly lose interest after just one game. For this reason, Jeremy TD has no plans to lower the difficulty. 2005TD, and even before that, Warcraft 3 itself is already a cult game, so it is difficult to have a lot of new influx, so please understand that it is a choice based on the judgment.

Q. I can’t see the unit.
A. Are you playing in classic mode?
Jeremy TD is a map optimized for the Reforged environment. This is a problem that occurs because unit models are not supported in classic mode, and it cannot be solved except by playing in Reforged. It is right to argue with Blizzard, who made it incompatible, not to complain to me. I will not make a separate map for classic mode in the future, and I would like to inform you that it is already burdensome to produce and update only in the Reforged environment, and ask for your understanding.

Q. Is Single Play impossible?
A. JeremyTD awards save points and tiers according to the number of clears, and lumbers are awarded as a reward according to the tier. Lumbers can increase the chance of choosing a hidden race. Single Play mode has been blocked because it is possible to clear the game unfairly using cheat codes. However, even if you make a game publicly/privately in a LAN or Battle.net environment, you can play alone, so I think there will be no complaints unless you are a cheat user.

Jeremy TD - Tier List and Rewards

This table below shows how the Jeremy TD's tier rank system works and its rewards. Lumbers rewarded according to your tier can be used to select the special randoms which give you more chances to get a special race or enable you choose a sepcial race direc


Q. How do I save?
A. After clearing the last round, if you enter “-save” in the chat window before the ‘Save Time Limit Unit’ reaches the destination, it will be automatically saved and the save record will be automatically loaded in the next game without having to enter the save code. This only applies to those who have cleared and entered “-save” among them, and there is no separate clear score even if you have proceeded to the latter rounds.
Jeremy TD applies a season system, and the clear scores of versions without a season or previous season versions (Season 01, 02) and the latest version (1.2H - Season 03) are not linked.

Q. What is a hidden race?
A. It is a new race added in the process of patching from 2005TD 3.49 to Jeremy TD 1.0 and later versions, including Babylonian (after 1.0a), Dractyr, Guardians (after 1.1A), Carnivore (after 1.1C), Assassin, Monsters, Mechanic (planned after 1.3A). If you use the lumber you receive at a certain tier to choose ‘Hidden Random’ as your race, you can play with a low probability. Even if you choose a normal random that does not require lumber, there is a 2.5% chance that a hidden race will be selected. New races will be added in future patches. The direct selection of a hidden race that requires 4 lumbers are thought to be a feature for hardcore fans who have accumulated a lot of clear points, and ordinary users are expected to have considerable difficulty until they reach a certain tier and obtain lumber.

Q. How often do you patch?
A. Like many users, the author myself is an ordinary worker who devotes his hobby time to creating, and therefore patches are very rarely made unless major errors are discovered. Patching a project of a certain scale, such as ‘adding a new race’, was a task that took a considerable amount of time.

The Chance of Selecting a Special Race

This table below shows the chance of selecting a Sspecial Race. 랜덤 종류별로 히든 종족이 선택될 확률을 확인할 수 있습니다. 난이도 Difficulty 랜덤 종류별 아이콘 Random Icons 히든 확률 Chance 필요 목재 Required Lu


Jeremy TD - Map download

2005TD Speical III for Reforged will be continuously updated under the name of Jeremy TD after 3.49 Patch. 2005TD Special III for Reforged (2022) 최신맵 제작자 Jeremy#32452 입니다. 2005TD 3.49 버전 이후로는 동일한 이름의 다른 수정


How to get the Save Points?

This table below shows how many points you receive when finishing Jeremy TD in victory. 게임을 클리어 했을 시 제공되는 난이도별 클리어 포인트입니다.난이도 Difficulty포인트 PointBeginner - 종족 선택 When selecting a race


Jeremy TD - Bug Report_English

If you find a bug while playing Jeremy TD, please report it following the bug report format. I will reflect it in the next patch. Please leave your report as a comment on this post. Bug reports that do not follow the reporting format and comments that are




'FAQ' 카테고리의 다른 글

Jeremy TD - Sources  (0) 2022.08.18
The Chance of Selecting a Hidden Race  (0) 2022.08.04
How to Get the Save Points?  (0) 2022.08.04
Jeremy TD - FAQ_Korean  (0) 2022.07.05
